beth-corrie-new-book-story.pngThe latest book by Associate Professor in the Practice of Youth Education and Peacebuilding Elizabeth Corrie offers clergy, students, and practitioners a new way to equip young people to transform violence and oppression as part of their Christian vocation.

In Youth Ministry as Peace Education: Overcoming Silence, Transforming Violence (Fortress Press), Corrie asserts that the church has been notably absent in its support and mentoring of young people leading today’s social justice movements—and affirms that youth are not meant to passively accept injustice and violence, but can instead work to establish God’s peace, justice, and wellbeing on earth.

Drawing on the deep wisdom of Christian tradition and practice and the latest insights in education for peace and civic engagement, the book provides a theologically robust and pedagogically innovative resource to help integrate new tools and insights into the typical facets of congregational youth ministry.

Corrie directed Candler’s Youth Theological Initiative from 2007 to 2019, and currently directs Candler’s Religious Education program.